About Me…

I’m helping take the One Ring back to Mordor, and have battled many orcs and balrogs along the way.

Currently training with Neo in the Matrix.

I’m here to help you be your best self, by helping you build that foundation to stand on so that you can carry on with your healing journey - which is also your spiritual journey.

Join me in the bathtub for my podcast which you can find here.

I am going to write several books - starting with this one, which I need your help with.

I am a writer, poet, creative, channeler & medium, intuitive healer, psychic empath, multi-dimensional being on a spiritual path of expression, expansion, healing and journeying towards higher states of evolution, unity, and co-creation. I love to philosophise and am constantly learning, reading and studying. I have an ability to step inside the mind of another on an intuitive psychic level and this has led me to understand some of reasons behind the complexity of human behaviours.

I have a keen interest in keeping values alive, creating healing spaces and community. I am currently aiming towards setting up a healing community for women affected by domestic violence and sexual assault, to help me fund this project please go here: Healing Community on Chuffed.

For more links go to bio sites and see my profile.

Stand on Solid Ground